jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

About me

I Student Life

  Inscrpcion process of the urbe is faster because the student is done through the website, because before you had to queue q when we arrived so we can registerthe sections we had closed. Instead the uru must go to university to complete the process, and cheese is much slower and tedious.

martes, 26 de julio de 2011

My Neighborhood

I live in Maracaibo is a neighborhood, my house is big is surrounded by bakeries, pharmacies, comercales centers, clinics, supermarkets, pelquerias, churches, and other cosas.donde I was raised and still STAY there I have my family close

viernes, 1 de julio de 2011

Description on family

My family is made up by my parents and Juan Carlos Belkys have been married 24 years. My mom works as a sales executive and my dad is an accountant. I have a brother called Charles the study and work. We are a very close family we like to share a lot with our loved ones, my brother and I are always fashionable, our family is very traditional